The incredible story of Sushizen stared 18 years ago...
Sushizen has been established in Lausanne for 18 years and is known for its outstanding sushi with ingredients imported directly from Japan. The Sushizen team is now opening the doors of its newest restaurant, in the heart of Lausanne, with a new formula. We offer our sushi that you already know well to eat on the spot or take away and our new specialty: The Ramen.
The Ramen is a dish known and appreciated by all in Japan and we now want to share it also with the people of Lausanne.
"Japanese cuisine is not something to eat, but a something to look at"
Junichiro Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows
Discover our delicious Japanese fondue Sukiyaki
The Japanese fondue known as Sukiyaki includes seasonal vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, leeks, Chinese cabbage, shirataki noodles, tofu, soy sprouts, accompanied by beef and rice.
The Sushizen Grancy restaurant invites you to discover an exceptional dish that will give you complete satisfaction because it includes originality, discovery, sharing and authenticity. You can enjoy it from 4 to 22 people in our charming basement privatized for the occasion.
You can reserve your fondue dinner in the form below. For our ramen menu there is no need to reserve, we will happily welcome you (evenings only).